Basic document for the never-completed 'Prostitute yourself whilst in Tel'Adre' project Core doc of Loppe expansions the unwritten 'Get Loppe trained up so she can work alongside her mom and unlock her preg content' is in Uma's doc, which is in the links here Working down through the layers of folders. I'm not sure if these are all publically viewable/commentable, so give me a buzz if that's not the case. I wish I could get GDocs en-masse link, this is going to take a while. How about Tamani Waifu? Let's wait and see.Īlright. Long down the road, we might get Corrupted Minerva as well as Corrupt Customers for the Black Cock. In addition, golden rind will be in the game, available as deer TF. The majority of the original Prisoner mod features are also available. Scarred Blade that can be obtained by giving Sheila's lethicite to the weaponsmith.Addition of Calm Mint and Spring Water in Minerva's tower.Trust me, it's going to be a good compensation for the lack of pure and corrupted Ember. Some of the submissions got more complete. Minerva Purification (Some missing scenes had to be improvised).I've put a lot of effort in coding these: Take a look at the list of submissions that finally came true thanks to this mod. I can always put my effort into finishing up content for older submissions and tie up any loose ends to the original content.